dinsdag 19 augustus 2008

21. 03-03-2001 Toon festival, Haarlem, The Netherlands

During this show, where we premiered material from the CD "Ownliness", water-videos were projected on all four walls and the ceiling as to make the room appear like a giant aquarium. The show itself was very relaxing and showed to us that wecould do our more "song-oriented" material also in a live environment. After the performance quite some people came up to us asking if the material played live was available on CD. Much later that evening we went to an Indian restaurant where we had to wait 2 hours before being served, but had so much fun I almost died with laughter. Quite a lovely day. (FK)
Soundman: Raymond Steeg

This concert was not recorded and is the only entry on this blog where there is nothing to download. The concert was along the lines of the previous concert at Moyland (FdW)

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